If You Are In Crisis
Please note that this is not a crisis service, and I will likely be unable to respond to immediate crisis situations. If you are in crisis, please call 9-11 or visit your nearest emergency centre.
Alternatively, you may call the following hotlines for local crisis support:
Barrett Centre for Crisis Support – (905) 529-7878 or Toll Free – 1-844-777-3571
COAST Hamilton Crisis Line – (905) 972-8338
Distress Centre Halton - 905-681-1488 (Burlington) or
Mental Health Helpline – 1-866-531-2600
Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 or
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line – 1-855-242-3310
Assaulted Women’s Helpline – 1-866-863-0511
Listen to Andrew on a Mindfulness Podcast
Anyone interested in hearing more about some of my passions for supporting Dad's or anyone suffering from unintentional behaviours and overwhelm, should check out the podcast I did with local show Resilient Father Podcast.
Mindfulness Resources
With the growing impact of mindfulness studies and information on mental health, there are endless podcasts, books, and sites to engage with. If you require some personalized resources please connect with Andrew. However, here are some more practical sites you can use for supporting new behaviours, finding meditations, or self-care recordings!
Neuro Divergent and ADD or ADHD Resources
Please note these are informational tools, they do not directly reflect Andrew's personal beliefs, they are simply starting points for increasing understanding.
​Site on the term Neurodivergence and interesting information on the brain functioning.
ADHD info and resources